How to find “what to do” in your whole life
To myself at the age of 18,
Hi guys! This is Kosuke from “Fortress of Solitude”.
Some of you are deseased by your obsession such as “what do I have to do in my life?” or “what does really interests me?”.
This obsession forces you not to make an effort to do something. Don’t worry.
Today, I will teach you
“How to find something that interests you in your whole life”.
This is my effective method which I thought with some quotes, experiences. In 10minutes, you feel like trying hard for your “own” dream!
Why we fail
・We cannot find objectives which makes us excited.
・Even when we found such objectives, it is hard to keep us motivated.
But why? Are we lazy?
We just have not found “purpose behind our objectives”.
Think about your vision
That is why finding your “purpose” first is inevitable.
Listing your objectives is a common mistake.
I can see that you begin by thinking “the means”. For example, you started thinking “what interests me through my life is…”.
In your case, you will fail. You will fail because you don’t understand the cause. In other words, it’s difficult to keep trying to because you don’t know the reason why you try.
The important thing is finding “your purpose”. Objectives are just the means to construct your purpose.
So… what is the solution??
Answer these questions first
Forget everything you think you know. Then, answer the questions below.
Q1) How do you want to be described in your funeral?
Then, think about some conditions to become a person you want to be.
Q2) What does suffer your mind again and again? Regrets? Reality?
Then, think about the industry, companies, occupations which can destroy your nightmare.
Q3) When you are featured in the cover story of “Time magazine”, how do you want to be described?
Then, think about the conditions to achieve your great performance.
Important points
Thank you for your cooperation.
The questions above are asking your desirable vision and steps for realizing them. Answering these questions brings two good points.
First, your “own purpose” lies in you is identified.
Let’s take a look at my answer.
Q2 What does suffer your mind again and again? Regrets? Reality?
Then, think about the industry, companies, occupations which can destroy your nightmare.
“Forgetting my memory” suffers me every night. I have many precious memories for me, however, I’m afraid of the reality that someday all of my memories will be erased by the death. So… describing myself through blog, youtube, programing is one way to save me from the nightmare. Then, let’s find the industry or some ways to live with describing myself.
As you can see, those questions help us find “ambiguous but ambitious purpose” called vision.
Second, this method will let you keep trying to because you can understand objectives as a steps to realize your dream.
For example, you can find the objectives to solve the suffering in my answer.
〈Suffering & purpose〉
“Forgetting my memory” suffers me every night. I have many precious memories for me, however, I’m afraid of the reality that someday all of my memories will be erased by the death.
〈Objectives to eliminate the suffering〉
So… describing myself through Blog, Youtube, programing is one way to save me from the nightmare. Then, let’s find the industry or some ways to live with describing myself.
This example shows that l can find some objectives such as blog or programing to solve my suffering. We often misunderstand these objectives as own purpose. And what is worse, we waste our precious time for pursuing them. However, answering those questions bring you the ability to think the objectives as a means to solve your problem. As a consequence, if you have a hard time, you can keep trying to because you have the reason to keep doing.
To sum up, I recommend this method because this has two advantages. One is identifying your purpose. The second is that you can keep trying to because the objectives to achieve your purpose is identified.
How about “Interests without visions”?
Some of you think that “I disagree, because I already have my favorite things without purpose”.
I think it is good. If you do something without any reasons, you can proceed to do something for life because you do not have the mental support to be destroyed.
For example, I play table tennis for 10 years and I never think that “table tennis is enough…” even when I cannot win at all.
However, if you do not have your favorite thing yet, it is not easy to make it purposely. Often, the hobbies like this come from an unexpected encounter such as childhood experience or some invitations by your friends. In other words, you will have the difficulty to make favorite things because probably they already exists and they are done by you unconsciously.
If you intend to make “Interests without visions”, you need to try different things in every moment you realize. It is an exciting trial, but it may not be an easy way as I said above.
That is why I recommend you to find your own purpose using those questions.
Let me ask first. How do you feel?
I think you are excited to find your own purpose and the means to achieve them. To answer the question and identify your purpose is the key to find your interest through your life.
Let’s confirm the procedure I tell through this post again.
1) Forget everything you think you know.
2) Answer the questions above to understand your purpose and its means to achieve.
3) Follow your instinct to pursue “what to do” in your whole life.
This post focuses on finding the interest through our life. We often feel like we are going a wrong way without our reliable purpose. Ignoring our interests, we had kept fighting. Thinking that “I don’t know what to do”, fearing alone that “I waste my life”, we have just staying alive. However, we know. We know we have own interests in ourselves which we can give even our whole life. I wanted to help you find it because I suffered from the obsession like you.
Finally, let me tell you the most important point again. To specify own purpose first is the way to find “what to do” in your whole life. It will give us hope and strength to live. We can still fight for ourselves.